Friday Folklore Roundup: Memphis, Iceland and the Supernatural

Folklorists, story-tellers, and lovers of tales - Greetings from Memphis, TN!

Another update from

The vernal equinox is past. The Northern hemisphere is now on the long side of daytime. While there is still a possibility of cold nights — things are looking rather spring-y, at least here in the Southeast where Folkloristic currently resides.

The Podcast will be back in the next few weeks. Winter hibernation is nearly over and weekly audio is peering out of its cave into the bright sunlight once again. We're just lining up a few more guests and will soon be exiting the darkness with more interviews, creature features, book reviews and more. Thanks for your patience with the outage!

Article content is also forming. For those of you who live in various parts of North America, I'd love to hear some of your local or family lore. Drop me a line, and let's talk.

This week, I've been in Memphis, TN and spent a little time at the Center for Southern Folklore - and met the creative, witty and enterprising entrepreneur who founded the Downtown Memphis landmark. More on this place to come.

Some interesting bits of Folklore in the news this week —

Apparently there was a map depicting scenes of American folklore created in the 1940's by a man named William Gropper. Superfluous copies of this map no longer exist because of McCarthyism. Interesting article, particularly in light of our current political state. Also - Atlas Obscura is a website about obscure maps and I think that's amazing.

Because of Iceland's geographic location on the tectonic plates, I've made an executive decision. We're counting her as North American, at least as far as Folklore is concerned. Icelandic Folklore is too incredibly fascinating not to do so. (Check out the Christmas 2016 podcast to hear more!) When the Golden Plover arrives in Iceland, Spring has arrived.

G. W. Mullins is a prolific author and scholar of Cherokee decent who has written numerous books on the lore of Native America. A hardback version of The complete Supernatural Tales of the Native American Indians was released this week. This looks like an item which needs to be added to my library (as well as someone I need to get on the podcast!)

That's all for this week! More to come.

Hope your week (or weekend) is magical!

Bernie Anderson

Married to one, father of two. I am a pastor, a researcher, a writer and like to make stuff. I'm pretty good with a computer and a camera, and make a mean cup of coffee.